The iAPX 188 is a highly integrated CPU board-on-a-chip. Most previous highly in- tegrated microprocessors were optimized for real-time control applications and supported relatively small programs in their integrated memory. Examples of this type of chip are Intel's 8048 and 8051 and Zilog's Z8. The iAPX 188, however, is optimized for computing ap- plications. It retains all the bus interface capa- bilities of multi-chip microprocessors, yet it integrates common peripheral functions used in computer applications. As shown in Figure 1, the integrated functions on the iAPX 188 include the CPU, clock generator, timers, DMA channels, interrupt controller, I/O and memory chip selects, ready generation, and added internal registers to control these devices (Figure 2). The iAPX 188 can replace 15-20 of the most common chips found in a typical microcomputer system.
Figure 1. iAPX 188 CPU (80188) Block Diagram
Clock Generator
The 80188 provides an internal clock oscil- lator, which requires a single external crystal or TTL-level frequency source. The system clock output is a standard 8 MHz, 50% duty cycle clock at half the 16 MHz crystal fre- quency. This output can be used to drive the clock inputs of other system components and hence makes additional clock generation devices unnecessary. Synchronous and asyn- chronous ready inputs are supplied for flexible peripheral-device synchronization.
Two independent 16-bit programmable timer/counters are provided to count or time external events and generate nonrepetitive waveforms. A third 16-bit programmable timer, not connected externally, is useful for implementing time delays and as a prescaler for the two externally connected timers. The iAPX 188 integrated timers are very flexible and can be configured to time/ count a variety of distributed I/O activities.
Each of the three timers is equipped with a 16-bit timer register that contains the current value of the timer. It can be read or written at any time, independent of whether the timer is
---frunning. Each timer is also equipped with a 16-bit count register containing the maximum value the timer will reach. In addition, the two externally connected timers each have a second 16-bit count register which enables the timers to alternate their count between two different max count values as programmed by the user. When a terminal count is reached, an interrupt may be generated, and the timer value is reset to zero.
The timers have several flexible program~able modes of operation. All three timers can be !set to halt or continue on a terminal count value, so no external event or device need wait for a timer reset. The two externally connected timers can select between internal and exter- nal clocks, alternate between max count regis- ters or use only one, and be set to retrigger on external events.
/DMA Channels
The on-chip DMA controller unit in the iAPX
188contains two independent high-speed DMA channels. DMA transfers can occur be- tween memory and I/O spaces (i.e., M-I/O) or within the same space (i.e., M-M, I/O-I/O). The latter feature allows liD devices and memory buffers to be freely located anywhere in the distributed system. For example, memory-mapped I/O can be handled without