Using a dynamic storage cell, the 21821 includes all the necessary support logic such as refresh control, arbiter, latches, and multi- plexers. (Fig.
In this application example we will look at an iAPX 88 system which uses 2114 RAMs connected to a demultiplexed bus, and an 8251 A to implement a serial interface.
As seen in Figure
The control software is in the 8755A EPROM. This software contains the "boot- up" routine which tells the CPU how to get started when the system is reset. It might also contain a small monitor, an interpreter such as TINY BASIC, or some game software.
The 8155 provides 256 bytes of RAM, timerIcounter and 22 110 lines. Both devices connect directly to the 8088's multiplexed addressl data bus because they internallly latch the address when ALE goes LOW.
The majority of the system RAM is provided by two 2ll4s. These 1K x 4 static RAMs do not internally latch the lower
Note that the 2114s are chip selected, using a decoded address from the 8205 decoder, combined with the DEN output of the 8088. The DEN delays the chip select until the system is ready for data to be driven onto the data bus. If this were not done, the 2l14s would output data onto the data bus shortly after the address appeared on the bus. This would cause a problem called "bus con- tention", where the 8088 is driving address
information on the addressl data bus at the same time the 2114s are beginning to drive data on that same bus (see Fig.
Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
Another important part of this design is the 8251A USART. The 8251A is a peripheral device programmed by the CPU to transmit and receive serial data.
The USART accepts data characters from the CPU in parallel, and then converts the characters into a serial data stream for transmission. Simultaneously, the 825lA can receive serial data streams and convert them into parallel data characters for the CPU.
The 8088 and 8251A interface is quite simple. Data travels to and from the 8251A via the 8088's multiplexed addressI data bus. The RD and WR inputs of the 8251A are driven directly by the 8088's RD and WR control lines.
The Chip select is provided by the 8205 address decoder, and address line AO tells the USART whether the data bus is transmitting
adata character or a controlIstatus char- acter.
Baud/Rate Generation
The rate serial data shifts into and out of the 8251A is controlled by the Receiver Clock (RxC) and Transmitter Clock (TxC) inputs. They are provided by the TIMER OUT output from the 8155's
A demultiplexed system is useful for a number of applications, including small control or monitoring systems, dedicated testing, or games.
The monitor software for the 8755A is available through Insite, the INTEL users library. It contains a "bootup" routine, displayIalter memory and registers, single step, break point, and other functions.