Ordinarily, it doesn't matter where in mem- ory segments are located, so we let the translator make that choice. However, we might want to give the translator some con- straints such as "don't overlap this segment with any other segment," "make sure the first byte used by this segment is at an even address" or "start this segment at the follow- ing address." We can write these constraints into the source program:
1)Don't overlap. First usable byte in seg- ment is on a
MY_SEG SEGMENT | ;this is the normal case |
2)Overlap if you must, but first usable byte must be on a word boundary.
MY_SEG SEGMENT WORD ;word aligned
3)Overlap if you must, and place first usable byte anywhere you like.
MY_SEG SEGMENT BYTE | ;byte aligned |
4)Start segment at specified
ORG | 0003H | ;address 1A2B3 |
The last example introduced another state- ment, ORG (for origin). It specifies the next offset to be used in the segment.
Procedures are sections of code that are called into execution from various places in the program. Each time a procedure is called upon, the. instructions that make up the procedure are executed, then control is returned to the place from which the proce- dure was originally called.
The 8088 instructions to call and return from a procedure are CALL and RET. These instructions come in two flavors - intraseg- ment and intersegment.
The intersegment instructions push (CALL) and pop (RET) both the segment and the offset of the place where the procedure should return.
The intrasegment ones push and pop only the offset.
Near and Far
Procedures called with intrasegment CALLs must return with intrasegment RETurns. Such procedures are known as NEAR procedures. Similarly, procedures that are called with intersegment CALLs must return with intersegment RETurns and are known as FAR procedures.
Since UP_COUNT is declared to be NEAR procedure, all CALLs to it are assembled as intrasegment CALLs, and all RETurns with- in it are assembled as intrasegment returns.
This example points out some similarities between the RET instructions and the HLT instruction. There may be more than one