•The Peripheral Design Handbook Contains data sheets and application notes featuring Intel peripheral devices.
•The Intel Component Data Catalog Contains data sheets for all Intel semi- conductor qomponents, including mem- ories and peripherals.
Additional copies of the iAPX 88 Book can be purchased by contacting:
Reston Publishing Special Sales
11480 Sunset Hills Road Reston, Virginia 22090
All other documentation is available from:
Literature Department
Intel Corporation
3065 Bowers Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
The material in the Assembly Language sec- tion of Chapter 2 was edited and reprinted with permission of Hayden Book Company; from The 8086 Primer, by Stephen P. Morse. Copyright 1980.
Furthermore, selected material was extracted from the following articles:
1)S.P. Morse, W.B. Pohlman, B.W. Ravenel, "The Intel 8086 Microprocessor: A
2)S.P. Morse, B.W. Ravenel, S. Mazor, W.B. Pohlman, "Intel Microprocessors 8008 to 8086," Computer, October 1980.