((SP) +1 :(SP))
Flags Affected:
CALL procedure-name
CALL activates an
For an intrasegment direct CALL, SP (the stack pointer) is decremented by two and IP is pushed onto the stack. The target procedure's relative displacement (up to ±32k) from the CALL instruction is then added to the instruction pointer. This CALL instruction
form is
An intrasegment indirect CALL may be made through memory or a register. SP is decre- mented by two; IP is pushed onto the stack. The target procedure offset is obtained from the memory word or
For an intersegment direct CALL, SP is decre- mented by two, and CS is pushed onto the stack. CS is replaced by the segment word con- tained in the instruction. SP again is decremented by two. IP is pushed onto the stack and replaced by the offset word in the instruction.
For an intersegment indirect CALL (which only may be made through memory), SP is decremented by two, and CS is pushed onto the stack. CS is then replaced by the content of the second word of the doubleword memory pointer referenced by the instruction. SP again is decremented by two, and IP is pushed onto the stack and replaced by the content of the first word of the doubleword pointer refer- enced by the instruction.