The need for an assumption about DS is that some assembly-language instructions in the code segment access data directly, particu- larly, the byte SUM. The assembler must generate machine~language instructions that address SUM . using the direct addressing mode. These generated instructions specify the offset of SUM and some segment register, typically DS, containing the starting address of the segment (namely MY_DATA) contain- ing SUM.

The assembler needs to know which segment registers (if any) will contain MY_ DATA's starting address, at the time these instructions are executed. With this information, the assembler can determine if a segment-over- riding prefix is required on these instructions, and if so, which segment register should be specified by the prefix. It would be the case if, for example, MY..,.DATA's starting address were contained only in ES. Furthermore, if none of the registers will contain MY_ DATA's starting address at instruction- execution time, the assembler knows that it cannot generate any instructions capable of accessing SUM and will be able to report this error at instruction-assembly time.


So, why assume some segment register would contain MY_DATA's starting address at instruction-execution time? So that SUM can be accessed. Why is DS used? Because no segment-overriding prefix is necessary. Make sure this assumption is satisfied by executing certain instructions (lines 7 and 8) prior to the first access to SUM.


Line 6 specifies that PORT_VAL is equiva- lent to the constant 3. This permits PORT_ VAL to be used in place of 3 on succeeding lines. This makes PORT_VAL a symbolic name for port 3 and refers to PORT_VAL whenever port 3 is wanted. Now if we decide

to rewrite the program to use port 4 instead, we need make only one change: line 6 is changed to:

The instructions on lines 7 through 17 will keep adding inputs from port 3 until the sum exceeds 100, output that sum to port 3, then halt. This is accomplished as follows: The instruction on line 7 puts - the 16 most- significant bits of - the starting address of segment MY..DATA into register AX; on line 8 this value is moved from AX to DS. This makes SUM accessible in succeeding in- structions.

The instruction on line 9 initializes SUM to

O.Observe that on lines 7, 8, and 9, the desti- nations, such as SUM on line 9, are always written before the sources, as 0 on line 9.

Line 10 compares (CMP) the value in SUM to 100 and sets processor flags, indicating comparison results.

Line 11 tests the flags and jumps, if SUM was not above 100 (JNA). The target of ,the jump is the instruction labeled NOLDONE (line 15). If the jump on line 11 is not taken (SUM

>100), the SUM is moved into AL (line 12); the contents of AL is sent to output port 3 (line 13), and the processor halts (line 14).

If the jump on line 11 is taken (SUM < 100), the value on input port 3 is sent to AL (line 15), added to SUM (line 16), and the jump on line 17 transfers control back to line 10.

General Conclusions

Now, from the above example, what can be noticed about the structure of an ASM-86 program? It consists of one or more segment blocks followed by an END statement. Each segment block starts with a SEGMENT statement and ends with an ENDS (end-of- segment) statement. Between the SEG MENT and ENDS statements is a sequence of other


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Intel 210200-002 manual Summary