The topics discussed are Architecture, Memory Timing, Instruction Sets, and Addressing Modes. For more com- plete descriptions, refer to Intel's 8086 Family Users' Manual and Motorola's MC6809 Preliminary Program- ming Manual or other related literature.
iAPX 88
The Intel 8088 (or 88/10) is the host processor of the iAPX 88 microcomputer system. The 88/10 is an N-channel MaS microprocessor which, currently has a maximum clock rate of 5 MHz. Internallylhe 88110 is a microcoded 16-bit processor which multiplexes a 16-bit internal data bus onto an 8-bit system data bus for ex- ternal communication. The address space is one mega- byte which is segmented to support modular programm- ing. Except for the implementation of the Bus Interface Unit the 88/10 is identical to the Intel 86/10 microprocessor.
The architecture of the 88/10 is divided into two separate processing units, the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and the Execution Unit (EU). These two units perform separate functions in parallel to maximize throughput.
The EU contains the 16-bit arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) as well as the general registers and flags of the CPU. It is responsible for executing instructions, and communi- cates only with the BIU. The BIU performs all bus . operations needed by the EU. It contains the segment registers, the instruction pointer, the bus control logic and the instruction queue. Because the BIU operates in parallel with the EU, instruction fetches overlap instruc- tion execution. The result is efficient utilization of the system bus and transparent instruction prefetch.
The 88/10 contains three sets of four 16-bit registers, and nine one-bit flags. The four data group registers, AX, BX, CX and DX, as well as the four pointer and in- dex registers, SP, BP, SI and DI, are all 16-bits wide and can be used as source anq destination in most arithmetic and logic operations. All eight of these general registers function as accumulators for many instructions. The data group registers, AX, BX, CX and DX can also be used as eight 8-bit accumulators for byte operations. The pointer and index registers also serve as address registers in addition to their genera,! register functions. The SI and DI registers function as the source and destination pointers for the string operations. The Stack Pointer register (SP) is used in stack operations, and the BP register is a base pointer for stack relative Based Ad-
.dressing modes frequently used in high level language programming. The four 16-bit segment registers, CS, DS, SS and ES, provide memory segmentation expand- ing the address space to one megabyte.
The iAPX 88 uses a four-clock basic bus cycle. The nor- mal memory access time is 460 nsec. To use memories slower than this, wait states of ZOO nsec can be added. Using one wait state produces a memory access time of 660 nsec.
The iAPX 88/10 instruction set operates on bits, BCD. digits, ASCII digits, 8-bit bytes, 16-bit words, and signed or unsigned integers. Many of the two operand instructions allow both operands to reside in registers, or one in a register and one in memory. The order of the operands is interchangeable, and the location of either source operand may serve as the destination for the result. The arithmetic instructions include 8- or 16-bit Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide and Compare of signed or unsigned integer values. The iAPX 88 instructions !lre identical to those of the iAPX 86 providing complete software compatibility.
Twenty-four addressing modes are available to directly or indirectly access data and operands. These modes allow from one to four component addressing using combinations of segment, base, and index registers, and/or 8- or f6-bit displacements. The string instruc- tions provide auto increment and auto decrement ad- dressing, memory to memory operations, and have an optional repeat prefix.
The iAPX 88 in the minimum mode supports the hold/ hold acknowledge protocol to enable bus control to be transferred to another bus master such as a DMA con- troller. It can also be configured in the maximum mode with two request/grant lines, each of which can support multiple bus masters for coprocessor designs using the 8087 Numeric Data Processor and/or the 8089 110 Processor (iAPX 88/20, iAPX 88/21, iAPX 88/11). Even though not considered on these benchmarks, the 8087 (iAPX 88/20) uniquely enhances the iAPX 88/10 (86/10) capabilities with 68 additional instructions, in- cluding 64-bit floating point and transcendental func- tions, eight 80-bit stack oriented registers and seven ad- ditional·numeric data types.
The iAPX 88 provides nonmaskable software (internal) interrupts and maskable or nonmaskable.hardware (ex- ternal) interrupts. The interrupt structure supports up to 256 different interrupt types using an interrupt vector table located in memory. For more information regard- ing interrupts see your local Intel office.
The Motorola MC6809 is an N-channel random logic MaS microprocessor which is available at 1.0 MHz, 1.5 MHz or 2.0 MHz clock rates. The MC6809 can address up to 64 kbytes of memory. The A and B registers are two 8-bit accumulators which may be concatenated into a single 16-bit accumulator, the D register. There are four pointer registers: X, Y, U and S. All are 16-bits wide and function primarily as base registers for memory addressing. The U and S registers are also used for manipulating the hardware and user stacks. The 16-bit program counter (PC) points to the address of the next instruction, and can.also be operated on for control transfer. The 8-bit Direct Page Register (DPR) is used to contain the upper eight address bits for some addressing