Table 1. Pin Description
Symbol | 'i'Vpa | Name and Function | |
AEN1, | I | Address Enable: AEN is an active LOW | |
AEN2 |
| signal. AEN serves to qualify its respective | |
| Bus Ready Signal (RDYI or RDY2). AENI | |
| validates RDYI while AEN2 validates RDY2. | |
| Two AEN signal inputs are useful in system | |
| configurations which permit the processor to | |
| access two | |
| non | |
| signal inputs are tied true (LOW). | |
RDY1, | I | Bus Ready: (Transfer Complete). RDY is an | |
RDY2 |
| active HIGH signal which is an indication from | |
| a device located on the system data bus that | |
| data has been received, or is available. RDYI | |
| is qualified by AEN'i while RDY2 is qualified | |
| by AEN2. |
ASYNC | I | Ready Synchronization Select: ASYNC is an | |
| input which defines the synchronization | |
| mode of the READY logic. When ASYNC is | |
| low, two stages of READY synchronization are | |
| provided. When ASYNC is left open or HIGH a | |
| single stage of READY synchronization is | |
| provided. |
READY | 0 | Ready: READY is an active HIGH signal | |
| which is the synchronized RDY signal input. | |
| READY is cleared after the guaranteed hold | |
| time to the processor has been met. | |
XI, X2 | I | Crystal In : XI and X2 are the pins to which a | |
| crystal is attached. The crystal frequency is 3 | |
| times the desired processor clock frequency. | |
F/C | I | FrequencylCrystal Select: F/C is Ii strapping | |
| option. When strapped LOW, FIC permits ihe | |
| processor's.!:!ock to be generated by the crys- | |
| tal. When F/C is strapped HIGH, CLK is gener- | |
| ated from the EFI input. | |
EFI | I | External Frequency: When F/C is strapped | |
| HIGH, CLK is generated from the input fre- | |
| quency appearing on this pin. The input |
signal is a square wave 3 times the frequency of the desired CLK output.
The 8284A is a single chip clock generatorldriver for the iAPX 86, 88 processors. The chip contains a crystal- controlled oscillator, a divide·by·three counter, com· plete MULTIBUSTM "Ready" synchronization and reset logic. Refer to Figure 1 for Block Diagram and Figure 2 for Pin Configuration.
The oscillator circuit of the 8284A is designed primarily for use with an external series resonant, fundamental mode, crystal from which the basic operating frequency is derived.
Symbol | 'i'Vpe | Name and Function | |
CLK | 0 Processor Clock: CLK is the clock output | ||
| used by the processor and all devices which | |
| directly connect to the processor'slocal bus | |
| (i.e., the bipolar support chips and other MOS | |
| devices). CLK has an output frequency which | |
| is '13ofthe crystal or EFI input frequency and a | |
| '13 duty cycle. An output HIGH of 4.5 volts | |
| (Vcc= 5V) is provided on this pin to drive MOS | |
| devices. |
PCLK | 0 | Peripheral Clock: PCLK is a TIL level pe- | |
| ripheral clock signal whose output frequency | |
| is V. that of CLK and has a 50"A. duty cycle. | |
OSC | 0 | Oscillator Output: OSC is the TIL level out- | |
| put of the internal oscillator circuitry. Its fre- | |
| quency is equal to that of the crystal. | |
RES | I | Reset In: RES is an active LOW signal which | |
| is used to generate RESET. The 8284A | |
| provides a Schmitt trigger input so that an RC | |
| connection can be used to establish the | |
| ||
RESET | 0 | Reset: RESET isan active HIGH signal which | |
| is used to resetthe 8086 family processors. Its | |
| timing characteristics are determined by | |
| RES. |
CSYNC | I | Clock Synchronization: CSYNC is an active | |
| HIGH signal which allows multiple 8284As to | |
| be synchronized to provide clocks that are in | |
| phase. When CSYNC is HIGH the internal | |
| counters are reset. When CSYNC goes LOW | |
| the internal counters are allowed to resume | |
| counting. CSYNC needs to be externally syn- | |
| chronized to EFI. When using the internal os- | |
| cillator CSYNC should be hardwired to | |
| ground. |
| Ground. |
Vcc |
| Power: | +5V supply. |
The crystal frequency should be selected at three times the required CPU clock. XI .and X2 are the two crystal input crystal connections. For the most stable operation of the oscillator (OSC) output circuit, two series resistors (R1 = R2 = 5100) as shown in the waveform figures are recommended. The output olthe oscillator is buffered and brought out on OSC so that other system timing signals can be derived from this stable,
For systems which have a VCC ramp time"" tV/ms andlor have inherent board capacitance between XI or X2, ex- ceeding 10pF (not including 8284A pin capacitance), the configuration in Figures 4 and 6 is recommended. This circuit provides optimum stabilityforthe oscillatorin such extreme conditions. It is advisable to limit stray ca- pacitances to less than 10pF on XI and X2 to minimize deviation from operating at the fundamental frequency.
65 | AFN·01472B |