Intel mcs-48 manual Application Examples Emulator Circuit DESCRIPTION-6 MHZ, Substitute a

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The following is an explanation of a circuit which emulates the operation of an IntelC!> 8049 using a stan- dard EPROM for program storage.

With the 8049, software may be developed by running external program memory, but dOing so requires the use of the bus and P23-P20 to access this memory.

The circuit shown may be used to restore the normal functioning of these twelve 1/0 pins. The circuit con- sists of an 8039 CPU, 2716 EPROM, two 8216 bi- directional bus drivers, and eight other 7400 Series Low- Power Schottky TTL packages. The whole assembly can be built on a 2-3/4" x 4" board.

A cable coming off the board can be terminated by a forty-pin plug which may be inserted directly into the CPU socket intended for the 8049 In a system undergo- ing design or testing. Alternatively, a pattern of forty pins extending below the board can be used to plug the board directly into the system undergoing testing, "piggy-back" fashion. The emulator board may be con- figu~ed in various ways so that the 40 pin plug is the logical equivalent of an. 8049 in every legal operating mode. (In the following explanation of the operation of the circuit, an asterisk appearing before a signal or pin number - as in *PSEN - refers to that pin on the "vir- tual 8049" represented by the forty-pin plug).

Since the CPU is Identical with the 8049 in all respects other than its lack of program memory, most of the pins of the 8039 are simply connected directly to the cor- responding pins of the forty-pin plug. These include all of Port 1, the high order bits of Port 2, the test pins, etc. Signals which are emulated with additional !.Qgi£...!!!.·

clude the rest of Port 2, DBrDBo, *PSEN, etc. RD, WR, ALE, and PSEN are obtained from the 8039, but are also used by the emulation circuitry.

The EA input of the 8039 Is hard-wired high so all in- struction fetches are made from the 2716. Two 74LS75 four-bit latches gated by the buffered ALE signal are used to hold the lower eight bits of address from the time-multiplexed data bus. Since the Bus is being used for fetching Instructions, data latched to the Bus will be lost on the next instruction fetch. Two 74LS174 latches are used to retain the output data when a bus write is executed. These latches are triggered by the trailing edge of the WR pulse, so their outputs are glitch free. Since logical operations to the bus do not generate a WR strobe, the "ANL BUS,#" and "ORL BUS,#" instruc- tions may not be used, though they do function properly with the other ports.

The two 8216 bi-directional bus drivers normally buffer the latched bus contents to the DB pins of the virtual 8049. When an "INS A,BUS" Instruction is executed, they buffer the input signals on to the emulator data bus. Thus, the circuit is designed to use the B1Js for both

.Iatched output and strobed Input. If DB79DBo of the 8049 are to be used solely for input data, J2 and J3 may


1.Substitute a 2716-1;

2.Delete 74LS03 package (leave lines open). Elimination of 74LS03 precludes use of P20-P23 as inputs.

be changed from what is shown in the Figure, so that DBrDBo act as high impedance inputs and the 8216s are enabled only when the read operation Is performed. If the bus is to be used only for latched output, the 8216s can be omitted entirely..

Bi-directional data transfers which require the transfer of address information as well as data, such as to and from external data memory, require removal of the 8216s and replacement with 16-pin jumper blocks on which the DBx pins are connected with the respective DOxpins.

The lower four bits of Port 2 are also used in fetching in- structions from the 2716, in addition to their use as in- put or output pins in the user'ssystem. In configuring the emulator for a particular application, the user must dedicate each of these as either an input or output pin and connect jumper set J1 accordingly. Any mix of input and output pins is allowed. At the beginning of each in- struction fetch, the last data written to P2 will be pre- sent on P23-P20 at the rising edge of ALE and will be latched by a 74LS174. The latched data may be con- nected through the jumpers to those pins whictl will be used as outputs on the 8049. Emulator pins used as in- puts should be pulled above 2.0V for a logic "one". If this is not the case, i.e., if switches to Ground are to be read, 50K pull up resistors should be added to the circuit· on each input. They were omitted from the diagram to minimize input loading.

Pins which will be used as inputs may be connected to the input of an OR gate formed of inverters and open- collector NAND gates. The input signals will be relayed directly to the 8039 and will be read by an "IN A,P2" In- struction.But when PSEN is low, the NAND outputs are forced off, allowing the 8039 pins to be used for high- order program adressing. Open-collector 0stputs are needed to prevent line contention when P EN is not low.

If 8243s will be be used in the final system, the low order pins of Port 2 must be connected directly to the plug. This may be done by replacing the Port 2 latch with four jumpers connecting the inputs to the outputs. The NANOs should be removed or disabled by grounding the common NAND inputs.

The cluster of three OR gates Is used to enable the on- board 2716 and generate the *PSEN Signal, each of which is a function of PSEN, *EA, and the high order bit of the program counter. Thus *PSEN is generated, forc- ing an off-board read, only when a jump has been made to Memory Bank 1 or when *EA is brought high. If this feature is to be used to address off-board memory, DBr DBo may not be used for normal 1/0. The 8216s and 74LS174 must be replaced with jumper blocks and the open collector NAND gates disabled, as explained above. The same changes are required to operate the board in single step mode.


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Intel mcs-48 manual Application Examples Emulator Circuit DESCRIPTION-6 MHZ, Substitute a