Intel mcs-48 manual Scan Commands

Models: mcs-48

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The SCAN Commands allow data which is being read from the diskette to be compared against data which is being supplied from the main system (Processor in NON-DMA mode, and DMA Controller in DMA mOde). The FDC compares the data on a byte-by-byte basis, and looks for a sector of data which meets the conditions of

DFDD = Dprocessor, DFDD';;Dprocessor, or DFDD;;'Dprocessor· Ones complement arithmetic is used for comparison (FF = largest number, 00 = smallest number). After a whole sector of data is compared, if the conditions are not met, the sector number is incremented (R + STP -+R), and the scan operation is continued. The scan opera· tion continues until one of the following conditions oc· cur; the conditions for scan are met (equal, low, or high), the last sector on the track is reached (EOT), or the ter- minal count signal is received.

If the conditions for scan are met then the FDC sets the SH (Scan Hit) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Scan Command. If the conditions for scan are not met between the starting sector (as specified by R) and the last sector on the cylinder (EOT), then the FDC sets the SN (Scan Not Satisfied) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Scan Command. The receipt of a TERMINAL COUNT signal from the Processor or DMA Controller during the scan operation will cause the FDC to complete the com· parison of the particular byte which is in process, and then to terminate the command. Table 6 shows the status of bits SH and SN under various conditions of SCAN.











Scan Equal



OF DO =OProcessor



OF DO =t= 0processor


Scan low or Equal



DFDD =Dprocessor



DFDD < Dprocessor




DFOD 1: Dprocessor




DFDD =Dprocessor

Scan Hlghor Equal



DFDD > Dprocessor




DFDD ~ Dprocessor

If the FDC encounters a Deleted Data Address Mark on one of the sectors (and SK = 0), then it regards the sec· tor as the last sector on the cylinder, sets CM (Control Mark) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high) and ter· minates the command. If SK= 1, the FDC skips the sec· tor with the Deleted Address Mark, and reads the next sector. In the second case (SK = 1), the FDC sets the CM (Control Mark) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high) in order to show that a Deleted Sector had been en· countered.

When either the STP (contiguous sectors STP = 01, or alternate sectors STP = 02 sectors are read) or the MT (Multi-Track) are programmed, it is necessary to remember that the last sector on the track must be read. For example, if STP = 02, MT = 0, the sectors are numbered sequentially 1 through 26, and we start the Scan Command at sector 21; the following will happen. Sectors 21, 23, and 25 will be read, then.the next sector

(26)will be skipped and the Index Hole will be en· countered before the EOT value of 26 can be read. This will result in an abnormal termination of the command. If the EOT had been set at 25 or the scanning started at sector 20, then the Scan Command would be completed in a normal manner.

During the Scan Command data is supplied by either the processor or DMA Controller for comparison against the data read from the diskette. In order to avoid having the OR (Over Run) flag set in Status Register 1, it is nec- essary to have the data available in less than 27 JJs (FM Mode) or 13 JJS (MFM Mode). If an Overrun occurs the FDC terminates the command.


The read/write head within the FDD is moved from cylinder to cylinder under control of the Seek Command. The FDC compares the PCN (Present Cylinder Number) which is the current head position with the NCN (New Cylinder Number), and performs the following operation if there is a difference:

PCN < NCN: Direction signal to FDD set to a 1 (high), and Step Pulses are issued. (Step In.)

PCN > NCN: Direction signal to FDD set to a 0 (low), and Step Pulses are issued. (Step Out.)

The rate at which Step Pulses are issued is controlled by SRT (Stepping Rate Time) in the SPECIFY Command. After each Step Pulse is issued NCN is compared against PCN, and when NCN = PCN, then the SE (Seek End) flag is set in Status Register 0 to a 1 (high), and the command is terminated.

During the Command Phase of the Seek operation the FDC is in the FDC BUSY state, but during the Execution Phase it is in the NON BUSY state. While the FDC is in the NON BUSY state, another Seek Command may be issued, and in this manner parallel seek operations may be done on up to 4 Drives at once.

If an FDD is in a NOT READY state at the beginning of the command execution phase or during the seek opera- tion, then the NR (NOT READY) flag is set in Status Register 0 to a 1 (high), and the command is terminated.


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Intel mcs-48 manual Scan Commands