Intel mcs-48 manual Interrupt Timing

Models: mcs-48

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interrupt operations. As in any CALL to sub- routine, the Program Counter and Program Status word are saved in the stack. For a description of this operation see the previous section, Program Counter and Stack. Pro- gram Memory location 3 usually contains an unconditional jump to an interrupt service subroutine elsewhere in program memory. The end of an interrupt service subroutine is signalled by the execution of a Return and Restore Status instruction RETR. The inter- rupt system is single level in that once an inter- rupt is detected all further interrupt requests are ignored until execution of an RETR re- enables the interrupt input logic. This occurs at the beginning of the second cycle of the RETR instruction. This sequence holds true also for an internal interrupt generated by timer overflow. If an internal timer/counter generated interrupt and an external interrupt are detected at the same time, the external source will be nicognized. See the following Timer/Counter section for a description of timer interrupt. If heeded, a second external interrupt can b,e cr~ated by enabling the timer/counter i'1terrupt,loading FFH in the Counter (one less than terminal count), and enabling the event counter mode. A "1" to "0" transition on the T1 input will then cause an interrupt vector to location 7.

Interrupt Timing

The interrupt input may be enabled or disabled under Program Control using the EN I and DIS I instructions. Interrupts are disabled by Reset and remain so until enabled by the users program. An.interrupt request must be removed before the RETR instruction is ex- ecuted upon return from the service routine otherwise the processor will re-enter the ser- vice routine immediately. Many peripheral devices prevent this situation by resetting their interrupt request line whenever the pro- cessor accesses (Reads or Writes) the periph- erals data buffer register. If the interrupting device does not require access by the pro- cessor, one output line of the 8048 may be designated as an "interrupt acknowledge" which is activated by the service subroutine to reset the interrupt request. The INT pin may

also be tested using the conditional jump instruction JNI. This instruction may be used to detect the presence of a pending interrupt before interrupts are enabled. If interrupt is left disabled, iNT may be used as another test input like TO and T1.

2.1.10 Timer/Counter

The 8048 contains a counter to aid the user In counting external events and generating ac- curate time delays without placing a burden on the processor for these functions. In both modes the counter operation is the same, the only difference being the source of the input to the counter.


The 8-bit up binary counter is presettable and readable with two MOV instructions which transfer the contents of the accumulator to the cou nter and vice versa. The cou nter content is not affected by Reset and is initialized solely by the MOV T,A instruction. The counter is stopped by a Reset or STOP TCNT instruction and rer;nains stopped until started as a timer by a START T instruction or as an event counter'by a START CNT instruction. Once started the counter will increment to its maxi- mum count (FF) and overflow to zero contin- uing its count until stopped by a STOP TCNT instruction or Reset.

The increment from maximum count to zero (overflow) results in the setting of an overflow flag flip-flop and in the .generation of an interrupt request. The state of the overflow flag is testable with the conditional jump instruction JTF. The flag is reset by executing a JTF or by Reset. The interrupt request is stored in a latch and then ORed with the external interrupt input iNT. The timer interrupt may be enabled or di$at:>ledindependently of external interrupt by the EN TCNTI and DIS TCNTI instructions. If enabled, the counter overflow will cause a subroutine call to location 7 where the timer or counter service routine may be stored. If timer and external interrupts occur simultaneously, the external source will be recognized and the Call will be to location

3.Since the timer interrupt is latched it will remain pending until the external device. is


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Intel mcs-48 manual Interrupt Timing