




When ALE (Address latch Enable is


high, ADo-7, 101M, AS-1o, CE, and CE


enter address latched. The signals


I AD, 101M, AS-1o, CE, CE I are latched


in at the trailing edge of ALE.


Bidirectional AddresslData

bus. The


lower 8-bits of the ROM or

1/0 address


are applied to the bus lines when ALE


is high.



During an 1/0 cycle, Port A or Bare


selected based on the latched value of


ADo. It RD or lOR is low when the latched


chip enables are active, the output


buffers present data on the bus.


These are the high order bits of the ROM


address. They do not affect 1/0 oper-





Chip Enable Inputs: CE1 is active low


and CE2 is active~. The 8355 can be


accessed only when BOTH Ghip En-


ables are active at the time the ALE


signal latches them up. It either Chip


Enab!e input is not active, the ADo-7


and READY outputs will be in a high


impedance state.



It the latched 10/M is high when RD is


low, the output data comes from an


1/0 port. It it is low the output data


comes from the ROM.



It the latched Chip Enables are active


when RD goes low, the ADo-7 output


buffers are enabled and output either


the selected ROM location or 1/0 port.


When both RD and lOR are high, the


ADo-7 output buffers are 3-state.


It the latched Chip Enables are active,

(Input I

a low on lOW causes the output port


pointed to by the latched value of ADo


to be written with the data on ADo-7.


The state of 101M is ignored.




The ClK is used to force the READY


into its high impedance state after it


has been forced low by CE low, CE


high and ALE high.


Ready is a 3-state output controlled by


CEL CE2, ALE and ClK. READY is


forced low when the Chip Enables are


active during the time ALE is high, and


remains low until the rising edge of the


next ClK (see Figure 61.


These are general purpose 1/0 pins.

(I nput!

Their input!output direction is deter-

Output I

mined by the contents of Data Direction


Register (DDRI. Port A is selected for


write operations when the Chip Enables


are active and iOW is low and a 0 was


previously latched from ADo.


Read operation is selected by either


lOR low and active Chip Enables and


ADo low, Q[ 101M high, RD low, active


chip enables, and ADo low.


This general purpose 1/0 port is


identical to Port A except that it is


selected by a 1 latched from ADo.


An input high on RESET causes all pins


in Port A and B to assume input mode.


When the Chip Enables are active, a low


on lOR will output the selected 1/0 port


onto the AD bus. lOR low performs the


same function as the combination 101M


high and RD low. When lOR is not used


in a system, lOR should be tied to Vee




+5 volt supply.


Ground Reference.


Page 213
Image 213
Intel mcs-48 manual CE1, CE2, Ready, PAO-7, PBO-7, Reset