Using the printer menus
Off* Does not buffer print jobs to the hard disk.
On Buffers print jobs to the hard disk.
Auto Buffers print jobs only if the printer is busy processing data from another input port.
Note: Changing the Job Buffering menu item automatically resets the printer.
MAC Binary PS
To configure the printer to process Macintosh binary PostScript print jobs.
On Printer processes raw binary PostScript print jobs from computers using the Macintosh operating system.
This setting often causes Windows print jobs to fail.
Off Printer filters PostScript print jobs using standard protocol.
Auto* Printer processes print jobs from computers using either Windows or Macintosh operating systems.
Serial Menu
Use the Serial Menu to change printer settings affecting jobs sent to the printer through a serial port (Serial Opt <x>).
Select a menu item for more details:
Baud | PCL SmartSwitch |
Data Bits | PS SmartSwitch |
Honor DSR | Robust XON |
Job Buffering | Serial Buffer |
NPA Mode | Serial Protocol |
Parity |
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
PCL SmartSwitch
To configure the printer so it automatically switches to PCL emulation when a print job received through the serial port requires it, regardless of the default printer language.