Domain Name System Settings
Domain Name System (DNS) is an information service for TCP/IP networks that uses a hierarchical naming system to identify network domains and the hosts associated with them. You can identify a primary DNS server and one secondary server.
Common Commands
set dns domain-name domain-name
Specifies the default domain name for your network. When an application needs to resolve a host name, it appends the default domain name to the host name and asks the DNS server if it has an address for the “fully qualified host name.”
set dns
Specifies the IP address of the primary DNS name server.
set dns proxy-enable
This allows you to disable the default behavior of acting as a DNS proxy. The default is on.
set dns secondary-address ip_address
Specifies the IP address of the secondary DNS name server. Enter if your network does not have a secondary DNS name server.
set dns configured-dns-priority [ 0 - 255 ]
Sets the configured DNS priority relative to acquired DNS. These server addresses may be acquired via DHCP (client), PPP, or statically configured. A “DNS
The default priorities for each type are:
•Configured DNSes: 10