GB1400 User Manual 3-9
argument of -2 tells the instrument to discard the pattern in scratchpad
memory and not to update the front panel. An argument of -1 tells the
instrument to copy the pattern in scratchpad memory to the current WORD
memory location and to update the front panel. Arguments 0 to +9 tell the
instrument to copy the pattern in scratchpad memory to the indicated (save)
memory location without updating the front panel.
Note that a WORD or byte editing session in a GB1400 Generator or Analyzer
can be started locally from the front panel or remotely via the instrument's
RS-232 or GPIB remote ports. However the instrument will allow only one
editing session to be in-progress at any given time.
Saving Word Patterns (1-Mbit Memory Option)
You can save the current WORD pattern to one of ten WORD memory locations
(WORD 0 to WORD 9), using the following procedure:
1. Press the SAVE key. The LED in the SAVE key should flash to indicate that
you are in the save mode.
2. Press the pattern up/down keys to select a WORD memory location. Note
that the WORD previously stored in this location will be overwritten.
3. Press the SAVE key again to save the current WORD into the selected
location. At this point the SAVE LED will turn off.
Recalling Word Patterns (1-Mbit Memory Option)
To recall a previously saved WORD pattern, use the following procedure:
1. Press RECALL to enter the recall mode. Note that the LED in the RECALL
key turns on.
NOTE: If the current WORD is important and has not been previously
saved, you must save it before pressing RECALL. The recalled pattern will
overwrite the current pattern.
2. Select a WORD pattern memory location by pressing the pattern up/down
keys. The ten possible WORD memory selections are WORD 0 through
WORD 9. The selected WORD becomes the current WORD immediately. In
other WORDs, the current WORD is over-written each time you press the up
or down key.
You can now use the recalled WORD to perform tests. Note that if you want to
edit the recalled WORD, you must press the WORD key again.
Note: The maximum number of WORD patterns is set by the buffer size.
Memory can be partitioned into ten segments of 64kbits; six segments of
128kbits; three segments of 256kbits; one segment of 512kbits; and, zero (0)
segments of 1-Mbit.