Quick-start Tutorial
ARM DUI 0181B Copyright ©2002 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-5
For details on how to change your build tools see Changing build tools on page 4-29.
4.2.2 Creating a new project
To set up the new project:
1. Select ProjectNew Project... from the default Code window main menu.
This displays the Create New Project dialog box. The Project Base field might be
prefilled with your RealView Debugger installation directory name as defined by
your environment variable. You can override this.
2. Enter the project details as shown in Figure4-2.
Figure4-2 Creating a new project
RealView Debugger confirms that the specified project base directory exists. If the
directory does not exist, you are given the option to create the directory ready for your
project files.
4.2.3 Defining a Standard Project
When you close the Create New Project dialog box, RealView Debugger displays the
Create Standard Project dialog box where you specify the:
processor family and toolchain you are using
source files to include in the build process
3. Select
Standard Project
2. Click the folder icon and choose <Select Dir>
to locate the project base directory
4. Click OK
1. Enter project name