Quick-start Tutorial
4-30 Copyright ©2002 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0181B
3. Right-click on the
entry and select Edit as Directory Name from the
context menu. This displays the Enter New Directory dialog box where you can
specify the location of the toolchain you want to use. This forms the base
directory for the executable tools for this family of processors.
4. Select File Save and Close to save your changes and close the Build-Tool
Properties window.
If you have a common linker command file or your own runtime libraries, for example
kernel, ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit), and peripheral drivers, you can
specify them for all projects at this stage. To make the changes:
1. Select ProjectBuild-Tool Properties... from the Code window main menu.
2. Double-click on the
group in the left pane to expand the tree.
3. Double-click on
in the right pane.
4. Right-click on
and select Edit as Filename from the context menu.
This displays the Enter New Filename dialog box where you can specify the
location of the linker command file.
5. Right-click on
and select Edit as Filename from the context
menu. This displays the Enter New Filename dialog box where you can specify
the location of the librarian command file.
6. Select File Save and Close to save your changes and close the Build-Tool
Properties window.
4.5.2 Viewing build settings
The Project Properties window includes another window that enables you to see a
summary of the compiler, assembler, and linker command lines generated by the current
project settings. This window provides a read-only display of the command-line
switches for each of the current build target configurations.
To view your current compiler settings:
1. Select ProjectOpen Project... to open the required project, for example
2. Select ProjectProject Properties... to display the Project Properties window.
3. Click on
in the left pane of the Project Properties window to see the
ARM C compiler (
) command line.
4. Select View Configuration Summary to display the Configuration Summary
window, shown in Figure4-16 on page 4-31.