Quick-start Tutorial
ARM DUI 0181B Copyright ©2002 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-9
4.2.6 Project base directory
When the new project setup is complete, your p roject base directory is update d with the
files required to manage your new project. These are the:
project file
build target configuration directories
, and
generated makefiles for each build target configuration, for example
The project source files do not have to be in the project base directory, although this is
recommended for single-user, self-contained projects.
4.2.7 Building the application
If you have the ARM C compiler installed on your workstation, you can now build the
application defined by the example project
. If you do not have the
compiler installed, you can follow the steps to complete the tutorial but you cannot build
an executable.
To build the executable for the example project:
1. Select ToolsBuild... from the default Code window main menu.
2. If you have made any changes to the Project Properties, or to the Build-Tool
Properties, you are prompted to rebuild all project files.
Click Yes to confirm the rebuild.
The build, or rebuild, completes and RealView Debugger displays the Build tab, in the
Output pane, to report successful completion. The Build tab also displays any errors or
warnings generated during the build.