Getting Started with RealView Debugger
ARM DUI 0181B Copyright ©2002 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 3-5
Figure3-2 Connection Control window
This window dynamically details all your connections during a debugging session.
If you are licensed to use RealView Debugger extensions, the Connection Control
window includes tabs, not shown here. For example, in multiprocessor debugging
mode, the window includes a Connect tab and a Synch tab.
3.2.3 Making a connection
If you have ADS 1.2 or RVCT 1.2 installed the top-level entry
is the execution
vehicle that supports connections to ARM RDI targets, as shown in Figure3-2. Expand
this to show the
connection that uses the ARMulator instruction set simulator.
The default configuration files installed as part of the base installation enable you to
connect to an
core using ARMulator on your local workstation. The
Connection Control window shows this default target connection.
Select the
check box so that it is checked to make the connection.
With the connection established, your Code window is updated:
the Code window title bar is updated with the name of the current connection
the hyperlink in the File Editor pane changes to enable you to load an image
the Output pane displays details of the connection
RDI execution vehicle
for this vehicle
Check box to make
a connection
Execution vehicles