vi Copyright ©2002 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0181B
About this book
RealView Debugger provides a powerful tool for debugging and managing software
projects. This book contains:
an introduction to the software components that make up RealView Debugger
a tutorial to create a project and build an executable image
a step-by-step guide to getting started, making a connection to a target, and
loading an image to start a debugging session
details about ending a debugging session
a description of the RealView Debugger desktop
a glossary of terms for users new to RealView Debugger.
Intended audience
This book is written for developers who are using RealView Debugger to manage
ARM-targeted development projects. It assumes that you are an experienced software
developer, and that you are familiar with the ARM development tools. It does not
assume that you are familiar with RealView Debugger.
Using this book
This book is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 About RealView Debugger
Read this chapter for an introduction to RealView Debugger. This chapter
describes the underlying debugger concep ts and explains terminology
used in the rest of this book and the documentation suite.
Chapter 2 Features of RealView Debugger
Read this chapter for a description of the features of RealView Debugger,
including details about those that are new in RealView Debugger v1.6.
Chapter 3 Getting Started with RealView Debugger
This chapter explains how to begin using RealView Debugger for the first
time. This describes how to start RealView Debugger, make a connection,
and load an image ready to start debugging.