Configuration Files Reference
A-2 Copyright ©2002 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0181B
A.1 Overview
RealView Debugger v1.6 creates files containing default settings and target
configuration information when you first install. The files created (or modified) depend
on whether you have chosen a Typical installation or a Custom installation. If you are
upgrading from an earlier version of RealView Debugger, some files are modified so
that previous configuration information is not lost.
When you run the debugger for the first time, some of this information is copied into
the RealView Debugger v1.6 default home directory. This is an empty directory created
by the installation process. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of RealView
Debugger, the installer creates the home directory and copies your existing
configuration details into it. This means that this area is not empty when you run the
debugger for the first time.