Quick-start Tutorial
4-2 Copyright ©2002 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0181B
4.1 How to use the tutorial
The tutorial starts by setting up a user-defined project to build an image for debugging.
A user-defined project in RealView Debugger is not required for debugging, but it can
provide a powerful aid to development. A project enables RealView Debugger to save
your list of files, understand your build model, and maintain a record of your
project-level preferences. In this tutorial, you build source files installed as part of the
base installation and then debug the executable.
If you do not set up your own project, you can follow the tutorial using the supplied
project, named
, installed in the ARM examples directory. This sample
project comes with a ready-built image, named
, installed in the directory
4.1.1 Getting started
Begin by making a copy of the source files provided so that the tutorial is self-contained
and the installed example files are untouched:
1. Create a new directory called
. This is the tutorial
project base directory.
2. Copy the required files,
, and
, from the examples
directory, that is
, into the new
tutorial directory.
Start your session so that you can follow the tutorial:
1. Start RealView Debugger, as described in Starting RealView Debugger on
2. Connect to the
core processor using ARMulator, as described in Making
a connection on page3-5.
You can complete the tutorial using the default files provided in the base installation. It
is not necessary to change any of these files or to amend any configuration files.