Index-2 Copyright ©2002 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0181B
Main menu 6-11
NUM 6-10
pane controls 6-8
panes 6-5
Resource Viewer 6-23
Status line 6-10
STDIOlog 6-10
title bar 3-12, 6-3
windows and panes 6-5
Color Box 6-9
on documentation xi
on RealView Debugger xi
debug target 1-2
DSP 1-2
multithreading 1-3
RTOS 1-2
Concepts and terminology 1-2
see also Glossary
Connect mode 3-6
Connecting 3-4, 3-5
and close down 5-7
RDI details 3-6
Connection Broker
Local mode 1-5
Remote mode 1-5
Connection Control window
managing connections 3-5
Create New Project
dialog 4-5
Create Standard Project
dialog 4-6
panes 4-27
toolbars 6-17
windows 4-27
Debug target
concept 1-2
configuration 3-4
Connect mode 3-6
connecting 3-4, 3-5
Disconnect mode 5-5
disconnecting 5-5
displaying target status 3-15
execution vehicles 1-5
interface 1-5
Processor State 3-15
reconnecting using workspace 5-8
Debug target interface 1-5
basic tasks 4-14
getting started 3-14
tutorial 4-14
Debugging environment 1-4
Debugging mode 1-6
Actions toolbar 6-8, 6-15
attaching windows 6-4
bottom pane 6-7
Call Stack pane 6-6
CAPS 6-10
changing panes 6-7
Code window 6-2, 6-3
Collapse Pane 6-8
Color Box 6-9
Cursor location field 6-10
customizing toolbars 6-17
Debug menu 6-14
docking panes 6-19
Edit menu 6-12
Editing toolbar 6-8, 6-16
Expand Pane 6-8
File Editor pane 6-5
File menu 6-11
Find menu 6-12
floating panes 6-19
floating toolbars 6-9
focus 6-19
formatting views 6-7
Help menu 6-14
hiding toolbars 6-9
in-place editing 6-20
JOU 6-10
LOG 6-10
Main menu 6-11
Memory pane 6-7
middle row pane 6-6
NUM 6-10
Pane Content menu 6-8
pane controls 6-8
Pane Menu 6-8
Processor State 6-16
Project menu 6-13
Register pane 6-6
side pane 6-6
splash screen 6-2
Status line 6-10
STDIOlog 6-10
tabs 6-21
Tools menu 6-13
View menu 6-12
viewing toolbars 6-8
Watch pane 6-6
Dialog box
Create New Project 4-5
Create Standard Project 4-6
Interactive Register Settings 3-8
Set Address/Data Break/Tracepoint
projects 4-10
Disassembly view 3-15
Disconnect mode 5-5
Disconnecting 5-5
and close down 5-7
DynaText 2-5
online 2-5
PDF 2-5
structure of this book vi
using the suite 1-7
XML 2-5
Documentation feedback xi
concept 1-2
Editor Window 6-22
Enquiries xi
Execution vehicle
see Debug target
RealView Debugger 5-7
persistence info 5-3