TTLCOPY: | Number of copies made |
TTLPCPT: | Number of PC prints made |
TTLFAX: | Number of FAX outputs made |
TR1_PG: | Number of pages picked up from the T1. |
TR2_PG: | Number of pages picked up from the LT. |
MP_PG: | Number of pages picked up from the MP. |
DX_PG: | Number of pages picked up from the DX. |
A4+LTR: | Number of A4/Letter size sheets picked up. |
LG+A4L: | Number of LEGAL/A4 LONG size sheets picked up. |
B5+EXE: | Number of B5/Executive size sheets picked up. |
ENVLOP: | Number of envelopes picked up. |
A5: | Number of A5 size sheets picked up. |
OTHER: | Number of |
PLTNRE: | Number of Plain/Thin/Recycled sheets made. |
TRANSP: | Number of Transparency mode. |
TKTRBD: | Number of Thick/Thicker/Bond made. |
ENVTYP: | Number of envelopes picked up. |
HAGAKI: | Number of HAGAKI |
LABEL: | Number of label |
ADSX_PG: | Number of pages scanned with the ADF. (Simplex scanning) |
ADDX_PG: | Number of pages scanned with the ADF. (Duplex scanning) |
FB_PG: | Number of pages scanned with the FB unit. |
KDEV_BIAS: | Black developing bias voltage |
POWER: | Total energization time |
PWRCNT: | Number of power ON |
TTL_JAM: | Total number of jams |
TR1_JAM: | Number of jams that occurred at the T1. |
TR2_JAM: | Number of jams that occurred at the LT. |
MP_JAM: | Number of jams that occurred at the MP. |
DX_JAM: | Number of jams that occurred at the DX. |
IN_JAM: | Number of jams that occurred inside the machine. |
RE_JAM: | Number of jams that occurred at the ejecting. |
ADSX_JAM: | Number of jams occurred in simplex scanning with the ADF. |
ADDX_JAM: | Number of jams occurred in duplex scanning with the ADF. |
HODN_ER: | Number of electric discharge error. |
FUSR_ER: | Number of fuser error. |
MTLK_ER: | Number of motor lock error. |
MACHINE ERR_01 to 10 | Last machine error code 01 to 10 |
COMERR1 to 3 | Last communication error code 1 to 3 |
*1 Not indicated. |
*2 Some margin of error must be taken into consideration because coverage for the printable area of
Confidential |