4.23Counter Reset After Replacing the Fuser Unit,Laser Unit and Paper Feed Kit (Function code 88)


The number of replacement is increased by one, and the warning indication “Replace ***” is cleared, with implementing this operation after replacing the fuser unit, laser unit and paper feed Kit (MP, T1, T2).

<Operating Procedure>

(1)Press the [8] and [8] keys in this order in the initial stage of the maintenance mode.

(2)The LCD shows the “Parts Replacement”.

(3)Press the [] or [] button to select the item you want to reset. The LCD shows. “Reset Fuser ?”

“Reset Laser ?” “Reset PF KIT MP ?” “Reset PF KIT T1 ?” “Reset PF KIT T2 ?”

(4)Press the [OK] or [Start] button to reset the counter of the selected part. The machine returns to the initial stage of the maintenance mode.

(5)When pressing the [Stop] button after Step (2), the machine returns to the standby status of the maintenance mode. At this time, the drum counter and page counter are not reset.

4.24Maintenance Mode Finish (Function code 99)


Finish the maintenance mode.

<Operating Procedure>

(1)Press the [9] key twice in the initial stage of the maintenance mode.

(2)The maintenance mode is finished, and the machine returns to the standby status.

