Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter5 Configuring WAN Connections
Configuring a Cable Modem Connection
Field Reference
Table 5 -21 describes the buttons in this screen.
To save this configuration to the router’s running configuration and leave this wizard:
Click Finish. Cisco SDM saves the configuration changes to the router’s running
configuration. The changes will take effect immediately, but will be lost if the
router is turned off.
If you checked Preview commands before delivering to router in the Cisco
SDM Preferences window, the Deliver window appears. In this window, you can
view the CLI commands that you are delivering to the router.
Table5-21 Summary Buttons
Element Description
Test the connectivity after
Check this box if you want Cisco SDM to test the connection you
have configured after it delivers the commands to the router. Cisco
SDM will test the connection and report results in another window.