Chapter29 Quality of Service
Creating a QoS Policy
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Field Reference
QoS Configuration Summary
The QoS Wizard Summary window displays a summary of the QoS policy created
based on your choices in the wizard. This policy map will be attached to the
selected interface. Each class that the SDM QoS wizard configures is summarized
in this screen. A partial display follows. showing the interface that the policy is
bound to, the classification type (NBAR or DSCP), the policy name, and several
of the QoS classes created.
Interface: FastEthernet0/0
Classification: DSCP
Policy Name: SDM-QoS-Policy-1
Policy Details
Class Name: SDM-Voice-1
Enabled: Yes
Table29-5 QoS Policy Generation
Element Description
Voice Voice traffic. The default value is 33 percent of the bandwidth.
Call Signalling Signalling needed to control voice traffic. The default value is 5
percent of the bandwidth
Routing Traffic generated by this and other routers to manage the routing of
packets. The default value is 5 percent of the bandwidth.
Management Telnet, SSH and other traffic generated to manage the router. The
default value is 5 percent of the bandwidth.
Transactional Examples would be traffic generated for retail applications, or
database updates. The default value is 5 percent of the bandwid th.
Best Effort Remaining bandwidth for other traffic, such as e-mail traffic. The
default value is 47 percent of the bandwidth. The value of Best
Effort is dynamically updated based on the total percentage for the
other types of traffic.