Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter35 Authentication, Auth orization, and Accounting
AAA Screen Reference
Field Reference
Table35-9 describes the fields in this screen.
Authentication NAC
The Authentication NAC window displays the EAPoUDP method lists configured
on the router.You can specify additional method lists in this window if you want
the router to attempt the methods that you enter before resorting to the default
method list.
Table35-9 Authentication and Authorization Fields
Element Description
Use these buttons to create, edit, and remove method lists.
List Name The method list name. A method list is a sequential list describing
the authentication methods to be queried in order to au thenticate a
Method 1 The method that the router will attempt first. If one of the servers in
this method authenticates the user (sends a PASS response),
authentication is successful. If a server returns a FAIL response,
authentication fails. If no servers in the first method respond, then
the router uses the next method in the list. Methods can be ordered
when you create or edit a method list.
Method 2
Method 3
Method 4
The methods, in order, that the router will use if the servers
referenced in method 1 do not respond. If there are fewer th an four
methods, the positions for which no list has been configured are
kept empty.