Chapter29 Quality of Service
Creating a QoS Policy
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Match Specify whether the QoS class is to look for matches to Any or to
All of the selected criteria. If you choose Any, traffic must meet
only one of the match criteria. If you choose All, traffic must meet
all of the match criteria. The DSCP values chosen are displayed
in the DSCP column.
Any—Click Any to specify that traffic must meet only one of the
criteria specified in the classification list that you create.
All—Click All to specify that traffic must meet all the criteria
specified in the classification list that you create.
Item Name This column displays the types of criteria that you can include in
this traffic class. If the QoS policy uses NBAR protocol discovery,
you can specify protocol and ACL values. If the QoS policy uses
DSCP marking, you can specify DSCP values as well as protocol
and ACL values.
Item Value This column displays the values configured for the particular
type, separated by commas. For example, the Protocol row might
show the following values:
http, edonkey, dhcp
Edit To add or edit the values for a particular type of entry, select the
type, and click Edit. Then, add or modify entries for type in the
displayed dialog.
Bandwidth Percentage Enter the bandwidth percentage that you want to give to the class.
Cisco SDM displays a message if you enter a value that causes the
total percentage value of all traffic types other than best effort to
exceed 75%. If that occurs, lower the percentage value.
Use LLQ (Low Latency Queuing) To have LLQ be used for this traffic class, click Use LLQ (Low
Latency Queuing).
Table29-3 Add New Traffic Class Fields (continued)
Element Description