Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter29 Quality of Service
Editing QoS Policies
Policy Selection Reference
QoS Class Button Reference
Table29-6 Policy Selection Area
Element Description
View Policy on interface Choose the interface whose QoS policies you want to view.
In Direction Choose the traffic direction on which the policy that you want to
view is applied.
Go To view the policy for the interface and traffic direction that you
chose, click Go.
Associate To change the association of a QoS policy with an interface, click
Associate. If the policy is currently associated with an interface,
you can disassociate the policy, or change the traffic direction the
policy is applied to. The Associate button is disabled when a
frame-relay serial interface is displayed in the View Policy on
Interface field.
Policy Name This field displays the name of the policy associated with the
interface and traffic direction that you chose.
Table29-7 QoS Buttons
Element Description
Add To add a QoS class to the policy, click Add.
Edit To edit a QoS class in this screen, choose the class and click Edit.
The Edit button is disabled when a read-only Qos class is selected.
Delete To remove a QoS class from this policy, select a class and click
Delete. The Delete button is disabled when a read-only Qos class is
Cut To remove a class from its current position in the list, select the class
and click Cut. Use the Paste button to place the class in the position
that you want. The Cut button is disabled when a read-only Qos
class is selected.
Copy To copy class information, select the class and click Copy. The
Copy button is disabled when a read-only Qos class is selected.