Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Select a Gateway 25
Context: Group Policies 26
Group Policy: General Tab 26
Group Policy: Clientless Tab 27
Group Policy: Thin Client Tab 29
Group Policy: SSL VPN Client (Full Tunnel) Tab 29
Advanced Tunnel Options 31
DNS and WINS Servers 33
Context: HTML Settings 33
Select Color 35
Context: NetBIOS Name Server Lists 35
Add or Edit a NBNS Server List 35
Add or Edit an NBNS Server 36
Context: Port Forward Lists 36
Add or Edit a Port Forward List 36
Context: URL Lists 36
Add or Edit a URL List 37
Context: Cisco Secure Desktop 37
SSL VPN Gateways 37
Add or Edit a SSL VPN Gateway 38
Packages 39
Install Package 40
Additional Help Topics 40
Cisco IOS SSL VPN Contexts, Gateways, an d Policies 40
Learn More about Port Forwarding Servers 46
Learn More About Group Policies 47
Learn More About Split Tunneling 48
How do I verify that my Cisco IOS SSL VPN is working? 49
How do I configure a CiscoIOS SSL VPN after I have configured a
firewall? 50