Chapter36 Router Provisio ning
Router Provisioning from USB
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Router Provisioning from USB
This window tells you if Cisco SDM has detected a USB token or USB flash
device connected to your router. You can click the Router Provisioning button to
choose a configuration file from the USB token or USB flash device.
If you choose to provision your router this way, the configuration file from the
USB token or USB flash device is merged with your router’s running
configuration file to create a new running configuration file.
Router Provisioning from USB (Load File)
This window allows you to load a configuration file from a USB token or USB
flash device connected to your router. The file will be merged with your router’s
running configuration file to create a new running configuration file.
To load a configuration file, follow these steps:
Step1 Choose the device type from the drop-down menu.
Step2 Enter the configuration filename in Filename, including the full path, or click
Browse and choose the file from the File Selection window.
Step3 If the device type is a USB token, enter the password to log in to the token in
Token PIN .
Step4 If you want to preview the file, click Preview File to display the contents of the
file in the details pane.
Step5 Click OK to load the chosen file.
SDP Troubleshooting Tips
Use this information before enrolling using Secure Device Provisioning (SDP) to
prepare the connection between the router and the certificate server. If you
experience problems enrolling, you can review these tasks to determine where the
problem is.