Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter12 Easy VPN Remote
Creating an Easy VPN Remote Connection
Step8 Cisco SDM displays the Summary screen when you have completed the
configuration. Review the configuration. If you need to make changes, click Back
to return to the screen in which you need to make changes, then return to the
Summary screen.
Step9 If you want to test the connection after sending the configuration to the router,
check Test the connectivity after configuring. After you click Finish, Cisco
SDM tests the connection and displays the test results in another screen.
Step10 To send the configuration to the router, click Finish.
Step11 If you checked Preview commands before delivering to router in the Edit
Preferences screen, the Cisco IOS CLI commands that you are sending are
displayed. Click OK to send the configuration to the router, or click Cancel to
discard it. If you did not make this setting, clicking Finish sends the configuration
to the router.
The section Create Easy VPN Remote Reference contains detailed information
about the screens you use.
Create Easy VPN Remote Reference
The following topics describe the Create Easy VPN Remote screens:
Create Easy VPN Remote
Configure an Easy VPN Remote Client
Easy VPN Remote Wizard: Network Information
Easy VPN Remote Wizard: Identical Address Configuration
Easy VPN Remote Wizard: Interfaces and Connection Settings
Easy VPN Remote Wizard: Server Information
Easy VPN Remote Wizard: Authentication
Easy VPN Remote Wizard: Summary of Configuration