Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter13 Easy VPN Server
Creating an Easy VPN Server Connection
Field Reference
Table13-17 describes the fields in this screen.
This window shows you the Easy VPN Server configuration that you have created,
and it allows you to save the configuration. You can review the configuration in
this window and click the Back button to change any items.
Clicking the Finish button writes the information to the router running
configuration. If the tunnel has been configured to operate in Auto mode, the
router also attempts to contact the VPN concentrator or server.
If you want to change the Easy VPN Server configuration at a later time, you can
make the changes in the Edit Easy VPN Server panel.
To save this configuration to the router running configuration and leave this
wizard, click Finish. Changes will take effect immediately.
Browser Proxy Settings
This window lists browser proxy settings, showing how they are configured. You
can add, edit, or delete browser proxy settings. Use the group policies
configuration to associate browser proxy settings with client groups.
Table13-17 Cisco Tunneling Control Protocol
Element Description
Enable cTCP Check Enable cTCP to enable this protocol on the Easy VPN server.
Specify the port numbers Specify the port numbers on which the Easy VPN server must listen
for cTCP requests from clients, You can add a maximum of 10 port
numbers. Use a comma to separate entries. Here is an example of 3
port entries: 1000,3000,4000.
Table13-18 Summary Buttons
Element Description
Test VPN Connectivity After
Click to test the VPN connection you have just configured. The
results of the test appear in a separate window.