Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
inside global The IP address of a host inside a network as it appears to devices outside the
inside local The configured IP address assigned to a host inside the network.
inspection rule A CBAC inspection rule allows the router to inspect specified outgoing traffic
so that it can allow return traffic of the same type that is associated with a session
started on the LAN. If a firewall is in place, incoming traffic that is associated
with a session started inside the firewall might be dropped if an inspection rule
has not been configured.
interface The physical connection between a particular network and the router. The
router’s LAN interface connects to the local network that the router serves. The
router has one or more WAN interfaces that connect to the Internet.
Internet The global network which uses IP, Internet protocols. Not a LAN. See also
intranet Intranetwork. A LAN which uses IP, and Internet protocols, such as SNMP,
FTP, and UDP. See also network, Internet.
IOS Cisco IOS software. Cisco system software that provides common functionality,
scalability, and security for all products under CiscoFusion architecture.
Cisco IOS allows centralized, integrated, and automated installation and
management of internetworks, while ensuring support for a wide variety of
protocols, media, services and platforms.
CiscoIOS Intrusion Prevention System. IOS IPS compares traffic against an
extensive database of intrusion signatures, and can drop intruding packets and
take other actions based on configuration. Signatures are built in to IOS images
supporting this feature, and additional signatures can be stored in local or remote
signature files.
IP Internet Protocol. The Internet protocols are the world’s most popular
open-system (nonproprietary) protocol suite because they can be used to
communicate across any set of interconnected networks and are equally well
suited for LAN and WAN communications.