Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter2 Creating a New Connection
Additional Procedures
Additional Procedures
This section contains procedures for tasks that the wizard does not help you
This section contains the following topics:
How Do I Configure a Static Route?
How Do I View Activity on My LAN Interface?
How Do I Enable or Disable an Interface?
How Do I View the IOS Commands I Am Sending to the Router?
How Do I Configure an Unsupported WAN Interface?
How Do I Enable or Disable an Interface?
How Do I View Activity on My WAN Interface?
How Do I Configure NAT on a WAN Interface?
How Do I Configure a Static Route?
How Do I Configure a Dynamic Routing Protocol?
If the router has radio interfaces but you do not see a Wireless radio
button, you are not logged on as an Cisco SDM Administrator. If
you need to use the wireless application, go to the Cisco SDM Tools
menu and choose Wireless Application.
Use Case Scenario When you click the radio button for a connection type, a network
diagram appears illustrating that type of connection.
Information The information area displays more information about the
connection type you choose. For example, if you choose Ether net
LAN, theinformation area may display the text “Configure Ethernet
LAN interface for straight routing and 802.1q trunking.”
Create New Connection button Click Create New Connection to start the wizard for the type of
connection you chose.
Table2-1 Create Connection Fields
Element Description