Chapter27 Cisco IOS IPS
Edit IPS
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
If you choose Sig ID, or Sig Name, you must enter a value in the criteria field.
Total [
This text gives you the total number of signatures on the router.
Select All
Click to choose all signatures in the list.
Click Disable to disable the specified signature. A signature that is disabled is
designated with a red icon. If the signature is disabled during the current session,
a yellow Wait icon appears in the ! column indicating that the change must be
applied to the router.
Click Retire to prevent a signature from being compiled for scanning.
Click Unretire to allow the signature to be compiled for scanning.
Signature List
Displays the signatures retrieved from the router, and any signatures added from
an SDF.
Note Signatures that are set to import and are identical to deployed signatures will not
be imported and will not appear in the signature list.
The signature list can be filtered using the selection controls.