Chapter3 LAN Wizard
BVI Configuration
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
BVI Configuration
Assign an IP address and subnet mask to the BVI interface. If you selected an
existing bridge group in the previous screen, the IP address and subnet mask will
appear in this screen. You can change it, or leave the values unchanged.
Field Reference
DHCP Pool for BVI
When you configure the router as a DHCP server, you can create a pool of IP
addresses that clients on the network can use. When a client logs off the network,
the address it was using is returned to the pool for use by another host.
Table3-9 BVI Configuration
Element Description
IP Address Enter the IP address for the interface in dotted decimal format. Your
network administrator should determine the IP addresses of LAN
interfaces. For more information, see IP Addresses and Subnet Masks.
Net Mask Enter the subnet mask. Obtain this value from your network administrator.
The subnet mask enables the router to determine how much o f the IP
address is used to define the network and host portions of the address.
Net Bits Alternatively, select the number of network bits. This value is used to
calculate the subnet mask. Your network administrator can tell you the
number of network bits to enter.