Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter26 Network Addres s Translation
How Do I . . .
How Do I Configure NAT With One LAN and Multiple WANs?
The NAT wizard allows you to configure a Network Address Translation (NAT)
rule between one LAN interface on your router and one WAN interface. If you
want to configure NAT between one LAN interface on your router and multiple
WAN interfaces, first use the NAT wizard to configure an address translation rule
between the LAN interface on your router and one WAN interface. Then follow
the directions in one of the following sections:
Add or Edit Static Address Translation Rule: Inside to Outside
Add or Edit Dynamic Address Translation Rule: Inside to Outside
Each time you add a new address translation rule using the di rections in one of
these sections, choose the same LAN interface and a new WAN interface. Repeat
this procedure for all WAN interfaces that you want to configure with address
translation rules.