Chapter37 Cisco Common Classification Policy Language
Class Maps
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Regular Expressions
Click this box to specify regular expressions to be matched against. Choose an
existing regular expression class map, or create a new one that will match the
strings you are inspecting for. See Add or Edit Regular Expression for more
information on how to create regular expressions. To examine an existing map
without leaving this dialog, choose it in the Select an existing map list, and click
Request/Response Protocol Violation
To inspect for protocol violations in HTTP request/responses, click Protocol
Add or Edit an IMAP Class Map
Creating a class map for Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) inspection can
help ensure that users are using secure authentication mechanisms to prevent
compromise of user credentials.
Enter a name to identify this class map in the Class Name field. You can also enter
a description. If you are editing a class map, you cannot change the name.
Click Login string in clear text to have the router inspect IMAP traffic for
nonsecure logins.
Click Invalid protocol command to have the router inspect IMAP traffic for
invalid commands.
Add or Edit an SMTP Class Map
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) class maps enable you to limit content
length and enforce protocol compliance.
Enter a name to identify this class map in the Class Name field. You can also enter
a description in the field provided.
In the Maximum data transfer allowed in a session field, enter the maximum
number of bytes the router should allow for an SMTP session.