Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter12 Easy VPN Remote
Administering Easy VPN Remote Connections
Table12-12 Authentication Information Fields
Element Description
Device Authentication
Digital Certificate. If you choose digital certificate, a digital certificate must be
configured on the router to use.
Note The Digital Certificates option is available only if supported
by the Cisco IOS image on your router.
Preshared Key Choose Preshared Key to use the IKE key value given to you by your
network administrator. Obtain the IPSec group name and IKE key
value from your network administrator. The group name must match
the group name defined on the VPN concentrator or server.
Group Name Enter the IPSec groupname given to you by your network
administrator. The group name must match the group name defined
on the VPN concentrator or server. This field only appears if
Preshared Key is chosen.
Current Key The Current Key field displays asterisks (*) if there is a current IKE
key value. This field contains the value <None> if no key has been
configured. This field only appears if Preshared Key is chosen.
New Key Enter the new IKE key value given to you by your network
administrator. This field only appears if Preshared Key is chosen.
Reenter Key Reenter the new key to confirm acc uracy. If the values in the New
Key and Reenter Key fields are not the same, Cisco SDM prompts
you to reenter the key values. This field only appears if Preshared
Key is chosen
User Authentication
If the Easy VPN server or concentrator has been configured to use XAuth, it requires a userna me and
password whenever the router establishes the connection, including when you deliver the configuration
to the router, and when you disconnect and reconnect the tunnel. Find out whet her XAuth is used, and
obtain the required username and password.