Chapter37 Cisco Common Classification Policy Language
Class Maps
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
information on how to create regular expressions. To examine an existing map
without leaving this dialog, choose it in the Select an existing map list, and click
Response Header Fields
Choose the type of header field from the list, and specify the inspection criteria
for it.
Length Greater Than
Click this box to specify a field length that a packet should not exceed, and enter
the number of bytes.
Count Greater Than
Click this box to specify a limit to the total number of fields of this type that a
packet should not exceed, and enter the number of fields.
Regular Expressions
Click this box to specify regular expressions to be matched against. Choose an
existing regular expression class map, or create a new one that will match the
strings you are inspecting for. See Add or Edit Regular Expression for more
information on how to create regular expressions. To examine an existing map
without leaving this dialog, choose it in the Select an existing map list, and click
Other Fields in This Dialog
Depending on which HTTP header field you choose, additional fields may be
displayed in this dialog, enabling you to specify additional cri teria. For example,
if you choose the content-type field, you can inspect for content type mismatches
between the request and the response, inspect for unknown content t ypes, and
inspect for protocol violations for the particular content type. If you choose the
transfer-encoding field, you can inspect for various types of compression and