Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter27 Cisco IOS IPS
IPS Migration
Step3 Click the Browse button and choose the latest CiscoIOS file if you need to ensure
that you are using the latest signature file.
You may need to do this if the location of the latest SDF file has changed since it
was last set in the Security Dashboard, or if the format of its name is not
IOS-Sxxx.zip, where xxx is a three-digit number
Step4 Click the Deploy signatures button to deploy the chosen signatures to your
A warning is shown if any of the chosen signatures are not found in the Cisco IOS
file. However, all found signatures can still be deployed. After being deployed on
your router, the signatures are automatically enabled and added to the router
active signatures list.
IPS Migration
If you have an existing the Cisco IOS IPS configuration that you want to migrate
to Cisco IOS IPS available in Cisco IOS 12.4(11)T or later releases, you can use
the IPS Migration wizard to do the migration.
Note If the router uses a CiscoIOS image of version 12.4(11)T or later, you must
migrate a configuration created before this release if you want to use Cisco IOS
IPS on your router. If you do not migrate the configuration, the configuration
commands will not be changed, but Cisco IOS IPS will not operate.
Click the Launch IPS Migration Wizard button to begin the migration process.

Migration Wizard: Welcome

The Migration Wizard Welcome window lists the tasks that the wizard helps you
to complete. If you do not want to run the IPS migration wizard, c lick Cancel.
The IPS Migration wizard is available when the router runs CiscoIOS 12.4(11)T
and later releases.