Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter29 Quality of Service
Editing QoS Policies
Field Reference
Table29-10 describes the fields in this screen.
Associate or Disassociate the QoS Policy
Use this window to change the associations that a QoS policy has to router
interfaces and traffic directions.
Field Reference
Add or Edit a QoS Class
You can create and edit QoS traffic classes, and specify whether the class is to be
added to the QoS policy.
Table29-10 Add Service Policy to Class
Element Description
Existing service policy Select an existing service policy from the list.
Tab l e 29 - 11
Element Description
Interface This column lists the router interfaces. To choose an interface to
which you want to associate the QoS policy, check the box next to
the interface name.
Note If you select the interface Cisco SDM uses to communicate
with the router, you cause the connection between SDM and
the router to be dropped.
Inbound To associate the QoS policy to inbound traffic on the chosen
interface, check the box in this column.
Outbound To associate the QoS policy to outbound traffic on the chosen
interface, check the box in this column.