Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter21 Cisco IOS SSL VPN
Editing SSL VPN Connections
Editing SSL VPN Connection Reference
The topics in this section describe the SSL VPN Edit screens.
SSL VPN Context
Designate Inside and Outside Interfaces
Select a Gateway
Context: Group Policies
Group Policy: General Tab
Group Policy: Clientless Tab
Group Policy: Thin Client Tab
Group Policy: SSL VPN Client (Full Tunnel) Tab
Advanced Tunnel Options
DNS and WINS Servers
Context: HTML Settings
Select Color
Context: NetBIOS Name Server Lists
Add or Edit a NBNS Server List
Add or Edit an NBNS Server
Context: Port Forward Lists
Add or Edit a Port Forward List
Context: URL Lists
Add or Edit a URL List
Context: Cisco Secure Desktop
SSL VPN Gateways
Add or Edit a SSL VPN Gateway
Install Package