Chapter37 Cisco Common Classification Policy Language
Class Maps
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Add or Edit a Point-to-Point Class Map
Add or Edit an Instant Messaging Class Map

Configure Deep Packet Inspection

Layer 7 (application) inspection augments Layer 4 inspection with the capability
to recognize and apply service-specific actions, such as select ively blocking or
allowing file search, file transfer, and text chat capabilities. Service-specific
capabilities vary by service.
If you are creating a new policy map, enter a name in the Policy Map Name field.
You can also add a description. Click Add > New Class Map to create a new
Point-to-Point class map. Add or Edit a Point-to-Point Class Map provides
information on how to create this type of class map. Click Add > class default to
add the default class map.
When the class map appears in the table, specify the action that you want taken
when a match is found, and whether you want matches logg ed. You can specify
<None>, Reset, or Allow. In the following example, there are P2P class maps for
gnutella and eDonkey.
Class Maps
Class maps define the traffic that a Zone-Policy Based Firewall (ZPF) selects for
policy application. Layer 4 class maps sort the traffic based on the following
Access group—A standard, extended, or named Access Control List can filter
traffic based on source and destination IP address and on source and
destination port.
Protocol—The Layer 4 protocols (TCP, UDP, and ICMP) and application
services such as HTTP, SMTP, DNS, etc. Any well-known or user-defined
service known to PAM may be specified.
Match Class Name Action Log
gnutellaCMap Allow
eDonkeyCMap Reset X