Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Cisco Common Classification Policy
Cisco Common Classification Policy Language (C3PL) is a structured
replacement for feature-specific configuration commands. C3PL allows you to
create traffic policies based on events, conditions, and actions. Cisco Router and
Security Device Manager (Cisco SDM) uses C3PL to create the policy maps and
class maps that the following help topics describe.

Policy Map

Policy maps specify the actions to be taken when traffic matches defined criteria.
Traffic types and criteria are defined in class maps associated with a policy map.
In order for a router to use the information in a policy map and its associated class
maps, the policy map must be associated with a zone-pair. See Zone-Based Policy
Firewall for more information on configuring zones and zone pairs.

Policy Map Windows

Use the policy map windows to review, create and edit policy maps for QoS,
HTTP, and other types of traffic. The top portion of the window lists the
configured policy maps, and the bottom portion displays the det ails of the
highlighted policy map. If you need to edit a policy map or see more detail, click
Edit to display a dialog that lets you view information and make changes.