Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
File Menu Commands
The following options are available from the Cisco Router and Security Device
Manager (Cisco SDM) File menu.

Save Running Config to PC

Saves the router’s running configuration file to a text file on the PC.

Deliver Configuration to Router

This window lets you deliver to the router any configuration changes that you
have made using Cisco SDM. Note that any changes to the configuration that you
made using Cisco SDM will not affect the router until you deliver the

Save Running Config to Router’s Startup Config

Check this check box to cause Cisco SDM to save the configuration shown in the
window to both the router running configuration file and the startup file. The
running configuration file is temporary—it is erased when the ro uter is rebooted.
Saving the configuration to the router startup configuration causes the
configuration changes to be retained after a reboot.