Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter4 802.1x Authentication
LAN Wizard: RADIUS Servers for 802.1x Authentication
Note Cisco IOS software allows a single RADIUS source interface to be configured on
the router. If the router already has a configured RADIUS source and you choose
a different source, the source IP address plac ed in the packets sent to the RA DIUS
server changes to the IP address of the new source, and may not match the NAD
IP address configured on the Cisco ACS.
If you need a quick snapshot of the information about an interface before choosing
it, click Details. The screen shows you the IP address and subnet mask, the access
rules and inspection rules applied to the interface, the IPSec policy and QoS
policy applied, and whether there is an Easy VPN configuration on the interface.
Server IP, Timeout, and Parameters Columns
The Server IP, Timeout, and Parameters columns contain the information that the
router uses to contact a RADIUS server. If no RADIUS server information is
associated with the chosen interface, these columns are blank.
Use for 802.1x Check Box
Check this box if you want to use the listed RADIUS server for 802.1x. The server
must have the required 802.1x authorization information configure d if 802.1x is
used successfully.
Add, Edit, and Ping
To provide information for a RADIUS server, click the Add button and enter the
information in the screen displayed. Choose a row and click Edit to modify the
information for a RADIUS server. Choose a row and click Ping to test the
connection between the router and a RADIUS server.
Note When performing a ping test, enter the IP address of the RADIUS source interface
in the source field in the ping dialog. If you chose Router chooses source, you
need not provide any value in the ping dialog source field.