Chapter4 802.1x Authentication
LAN Wizard: RADIUS Servers for 802.1x Authentication
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide

Reset to Defaults

Click Reset to Defaults to reset all advanced options to their default values.
LAN Wizard: RADIUS Servers for 802.1x Authentication
802.1x authentication information is configured and stored in a policy database
residing on RADIUS servers running Cisco Secure ACS version 3.3. The router
must validate the credentials of 802.1x clients by communicating with a RADIUS
server. Use this window to provide the information the router needs to contact one
or more RADIUS servers. Each RADIUS server that you specify must have Cisco
Secure ACS software version 3.3 installed and configured.
Note All of your Cisco IOS router interfaces enabled with 802.1x authorization will use
the RADIUS servers set up in this window. When you configure a new interface,
you will see this screen again. Additions or changes to the RADIUS server
information, however, do not have to be made.

Choose the RADIUS client source

Configuring the RADIUS source allows you to specify the source IP address to be
sent in RADIUS packets bound for the RADIUS server. If you need more
information about an interface, choose the interface and click the Details button.
The source IP address in the RADIUS packets sent from the router must be
configured as the NAD IP address in the Cisco ACS version 3.3 or later.
If you choose Router chooses source, the source IP address in the RADIUS
packets will be the address of interface through which the RADIUS packets exit
the router.
If you choose an interface, the source IP address in the RADIUS packets will be
the address of the interface that you chose as the RADIU S client source.